Tuesday, July 17, 2012

UPU results dissapointing

 It was a few days ago when the results for 2012/2013 local universities intake were out. I'm so nervous and excited to see what they (the kementerian) would offer me, hoping for medicine in UM. Studying medicine in UM would be my dream come true!! and well, for the pass few months I've been psyco-ing myself for getting my dream course and my dream university! 

  Getting into the portal and into the application system made me more and more nervous. Despite of the expected 'traffic jam', i got my results in just a click! But... it was not what I'm expecting.. "TAHNIAH! Anda telah berjaya ditawarkan program pengajian seperti berikut: MG13 SARJANA MUDA SAINS (SAINS DAN PENGURUSAN ALAM SEKITAR) UM - UNIVERSITI MALAYA" ohno.. where's the course I wanted so much? y?? I've got 4flat! and good cocuriculum marks! yet why can't I get my 1st and 2nd choice?  *cry cry cry cry cry* I cried for the whole afternoon, feeling sad and disappointed. Feel like everything's lost after I've fought for it and worked hard for it, yet nothing in repay. *the word 'tahniah' looked so lifeless.*

  After a day of crying, I've came to my sense a lil bit. I'm not throughly reluctant with the course offered to me, environmental science and management, okie lar... not bad though. However, studying medicine is like what I feel like going for. So, my dad suggested that if I failed to appeal for medicine in local universities, might as well study medicine in private colleges. oh dad.. thank you! but it would cost a hand and a leg! I don't want to add burden to my family. Yet, you told me there's saving and I can get PTPTN loan, so would be enough.

  Now, I'm in a dilemma. To accept the offer or go for private? 


  1. anyway, i'm working hard in appealing for my dream course now =) all the best and good luck for me!

  2. follow ur feeling, always stand by u! ^^
    i know wont help much,but talk to me if u need =)
